When you have a virtual wall in a real environment then you can do real/virtual things with it. We mentioned the strategic penalty yesterday but how about the following:
- a wall that can be pushed – if you push it hard enough (measure the speed/direction with which you push it – or the number of people hitting it at the same time. Or the number of times it is hit
- a wall that has weakness in parts of it – which may only be seen by certain players (would be good in LocoMatrix role playing). It maybe that it takes one person to cast a spell on it, one to find the weakness, and a third to knock it down.
- a wall that is only a wall to certain players. The team would have to act together so that only the player that could go through could solve “the problem” that lets all the players onto the next stage. This property could also be used to handicap the better players (the ones with the higher scores would be forced to “go round” while the weaker ones would go straight – good for families too.
- talking of moving walls reminds me of moving crates and Sokoban. We look forward to some real life examples of this.
- and finally for today, walls can have doors in them and we can make them locked, traversable in one direction only, and as portals to new virtual spaces.