Global Tennis – “Brighton to Bristol… Cardiff to Calais… Cork to New York… The globe is in your court!”
One of the all time greatest computer games has to be Atari’s old school classic; ‘Pong’. For those of you […]
Location games people play
Location games people play
One of the all time greatest computer games has to be Atari’s old school classic; ‘Pong’. For those of you […]
36 students, 9 weeks, 12 projects. Create a GPS location game idea that could be played using LocoMatrix. Pablo Romero, […]
LocoMatrix is initiating BOGfest (Brighton Outdoor Games Festival) , a day of fun and frollicking as part of the Brighton […]
Highlights of the year included a wealth of publicity including BBC TV and Radio, New Scientist, Sunday Telegraph, Guardian and […]
Saw the following on Randy Cassingham’s “This is True.” In Wellington, Florida, the baby Jesus statue has been stolen so often from nativity […]